Available for Windows and macOS

This is for those who remember the good times when United and Bally Bingo Pinballs could be played everywhere. The glory days of these magnificent machines may be long gone, but now you can revive playing them again. With next-best-than-the-real-thing Bingo Pinball simulations you’ll hardly notice the difference...

Get Bingo Pinball Gameroom

As of September 6, 2023 the new Bingo Pinball Gameroom is launched at Steam, world’s largest games platform. Bally Show Time is included, free to play!

For existing users of the ‘old’ Gameroom nothing changes. There are no plans to discontinue. Your current license does not apply to the new Steam edition.

If you decide to continue using the ‘old’ Gameroom, it is however not a bad idea to read the following chapter as it may contain important considerations.

Existing users of ‘old’ Bingo Gameroom: read this

Book published! ‘The Complete Bingo Pinball Simulations Book’. Everything you want to know about Bingo Pinballs and Simulations.

Bingo simulations creator Joop Riem has published a book* covering about everything there is to know about Bingos and Bingo simulations. It contains 438 pages with lots and lots of images. It describes the rise and fall of Bingos, origin of the simulations Collection, extensive info about each of the 80 simulations, how to play particular tables, score information cards, keyboard shortcuts, links to www.bingo.cdyn.com and Internet Pinball Database, etc.
*Note: not a printed book, PDF only.

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